When my old vinyl shower curtain started to peel and split along the edges and tear at the hanger holes, I thought I'd give this a try. So far, this product has been a mixed bag. Yes, it molds/mildews. I live in a humid climate, and even with air conditioning, DampRid, and drying it out completely between uses, it will go speckled, especially at the bottom, and once it starts you'd better tend to it quickly. Which is not as easy as with a vinyl or PEVA curtain, because most of our standard bathroom cleansers are not fabric friendly. My solution thus far has been to soak it in a solution of OxiClean when I see any mildew starting, if I don't have the time to put it in the wash. Possibly spraying it with white distilled vinegar, lemon juice, or salt water after every use might work; I'll try it and see. However, on a possibly related noted, my bathroom overall has fewer mold/mildew outbreaks now, because I think the shower "breathes" better than it did with the vinyl curtain.
Yes, it shrinks (even if you don't put it in the washer). My tub enclosure is roughly 58 inches and now that the curtain has shrunk it's only a little wider than that, so if you have a longer tub, you'll either need to buy two or skip it. The length shrinks, too, so you'll have to adjust the height of your curtain rod. But the shrunken length and width are not that much of a problem and even help a bit with the mold control issue. Because the curtain doesn't billow when you shower, it doesn't need to overlap your tub and sides by more than a small fraction of an inch, and the less surface it has to be against, the more quickly it can dry.
Yes, it really does stop water. I've turned the shower head directly at it and nothing has made it through. Yes, this really is about as "green" as you can get right now. Mine had no odor at all, and it kinda forces you to use gentler cleansers, and it will probably last for decades with the proper care. If need be, it can be repaired. Yes, it's made in the USA.
If you really don't have the time or inclination to inspect and/or treat for mold/mildew more than once every two weeks, get something else. If you're willing and able to put up with the drawbacks to get the benefits, go for it.

Have had this product for a month. Works great. Smells great. Drys fast. I was tired of the plastic awful smell from the toxic plastic made in china curtains. this product is a throwback to excellent workmanship and natural products being used in your house. All chinese products have lead in them since we dont regulate them. Europe does and we don't!! End the madness BUY USA MADE STOP THE CHINESE LEAD
Buy Sturdy Cotton Duck Shower Curtain (TUB SIZE) Made in USA Now
Looks great in our craftsman-style bathroom. Seems like excellent quality, expect it to last a long time and it's working fine without a liner. Made in U.S. which is nice for a change, no nasty vinyl smell either.
Read Best Reviews of Sturdy Cotton Duck Shower Curtain (TUB SIZE) Made in USA Here
I have had a similar curtain to this before and loved it, had it for a long time. I expected this curtainto be the same .
Washed it and put it in the dryer as I needed it to shrink, we have low ceilings.It took forever to iron out the creases.
After just one week it had a large patch of black mold and little rust coloured spots all over, also when it dried a large water stain across the middle. We have the windowand door open constantly in the bathroom.
I have returned it for a refund.
Want Sturdy Cotton Duck Shower Curtain (TUB SIZE) Made in USA Discount?
I have had this curtain in the blue ticking stripe for about a year, and really like it.But, since there are a number of negative reviews based on the fact that it (or any similar cotton shower curtain) will mold, here's something I discovered that will fix that problem.
I had read about people using the old-fashioned method of boiling laundry for all kinds of problems and thought I would try it on my curtain, which had a very moldy hem and lots of black spots over the bottom third of the curtain.Also, I had heard that borax is a good mold killer.So I got out my really huge stainless-steel basin, dissolved a half-cup of borax in it along with a few tablespoons of washing soda and boiled (simmered, really) the curtain for an hour.I used tongs to stir/rearrange it a few times.At about 45 minutes, I added a scoop of oxygen bleach, which foamed like mad.I let it cool down, then dumped the curtain and the washing liquid into the washing machine, along with some laundry soap.The results were AMAZING!!I'd say the mold discoloration was 80-90 percent gone, with just a bit left in the hem.I think another session of boiling would probably remove it altogether.And although I thought that boiling might shrink the curtain, I didn't notice any shrinkage.
That was around six weeks ago, and it seems like the mold is not coming back.Now, when I wash the curtain, I add a half-cup of borax to the water, which may be helping keep the mold away.Anyway, if it does return, I know what to do boil the curtain with borax.I think 30 minutes might be enough.
My curtain did shrink somewhat when I first got it, but it was quite oversized now it is just right.