Zenith Prod. 36601SS04 Double Shower Rod.

Zenith Prod. 36601SS04 Double Shower Rod.The shower rod has worked out pretty good so far (one week). To note you do need to screw it into the wall so be aware of this, if you have tile I suppose it could be a little tricky and something to consider since you may not want to ruin your tile. The instructions state that the rod should be hung at 64" luckily our tub which is a plastic type shell is shorter than 64" otherwise, we may not have been able to install it since I would guess drilling into a shower shell will ruin it. Otherwise it was easy to put in, we were/are missing one of the screws that keeps the rod in place, we'll pick one up next time we're at HD or whatever, right now were just "being careful" The rod is great for hanging clothes to dry and seems to be made very well it's a nice solid metal. Maybe a little pricey, but I haven't seen anything cheaper that had good reviews. If you need extra space for hanging clothes or towels I would say this would be a good choice.

Update: About 6 months into owning this the inner shower rod it began to rust. Within a year it was so rusty that you couldn't hang clothes or towels on it without them getting rust dust smeared on them. I would say this def. wasn't worth it. A great idea, but unusable after six 8 months.

As stated, it meets its intended purpose without issue and looks great. This item is the same make we have in our master bath, but in a different finish. The hardware itself was easy to install, aesthetically pleasing, and utilitarian. The only issue I had was getting one side to sit flush with the adjacent wall, which could be attributed to wall mounts with very little give, or total homeowner error--take your pick. Even with this minor setback, it looks wonderful and saves space. Have not had any issue with rust or discoloration after several weeks in a child who loves splashing's bathroom: WIN.

Buy Zenith Prod. 36601SS04 Double Shower Rod. Now


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