Roller Hook (Set of 12) Color: Chrome

Roller Hook Color: Chrome
  • Metal Roller Shower Rings/Hooks - CHROME
  • set of 12---metal

After a few aggravating weeks tugging at the shower curtain, I'm looking again for hooks that will work.Some rollers stay up but others position themselves at the bottom of the ring making it difficult to move the curtain.I'm unable to reach the hooks to reposition them because I use a wheelchair and shower seat.I shouldn't have to though.Isn't this the reason for the design?Grrrr

Buy Roller Hook (Set of 12) Color: Chrome Now

They're shower rings, and they hold my new shower curtain up just fine. No more tugs of war with the curtain rod; these babies have rollers.

Read Best Reviews of Roller Hook (Set of 12) Color: Chrome Here

i love them i no longer have riped shower curtains while trying trying to open or close it now it just rolls open or shut thanks alot


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